Saturday, May 21, 2016

This time

Holidays are confirmed.
The summer is up to fullfill.

With loads of work and 3-week Hungary.

But the important thing is: after all, I am going.
This time its for real.


Alone, most likely Zagreb and with MO* Sarajevo.
Back with Beograd, Subotica and Szeged.
In September.

In true, I am planning the trip for ages. But always, somehow with other people, and it never became a reality. Partly because of me, partly because of anybody else, partly because of objectives.
And now, I dont want to wait anymore for anybody.
After the decision, what was - as usual for me - really sudden, I feel calm.
Just booked the apartments - as dont want to stay in hotels. I guess its more about common places - the time and place sould be mine. And also, its like you have a "life" there when you have a flat for your own.

*MO - Magnificent Ola
The girl from work named Aleksandra. With who we figured out our Sarajevo-love in about 2 hours at the begining. She lived there and she is about to take me there. I guess the best person to travel with.

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