Tuesday, November 01, 2022

For record

Idén Mindenszentekkor még zokni nelküli idő van.
Kivételes anomália itt, Krakkóban.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Rzadki luksus

A napfenyes, oktober kozepi, hetkoznap delutani olvasas a Park Krakowski-ban nem csak kellemes de ritka luxus is.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

munka, munka, munka

"Nincs olyan, hogy győzelem. Magunkkal szemben, magunkon nem lehet győzni, csak öröm van, meg tűrés, boldogság, meg életminőség, munka, munka, munka.
A túlélés nem harc, a hétköznap, a teljesítmény meg nem győzelem. Munka, munka, munka."


Grecsó persze máshogy/másra érti, de a fenti nagyon rezonál erre a hétre.
És valahol, fura módon meg is nyugtat.
Meg lehet élni győzelemnek, hogy kinek van igaza és harcnak az hogy kinek mi nem tetszik.
De biztos hogy kell?

Nem. Nem kell. Nem muszály.

Saturday, August 06, 2022

18 hours

Ennyi nyaralas jutott idènre.
Szabi lesz meg de az már nem nyár.

Balaton, amit sose ertettem.... Eddig.

Ez a szárszói idő kegyes volt, forró es nagyon békés - a vendég perspektívája mindig más mint a vendéglátóké.

Monday, April 04, 2022


Always wanted to see and feel.
And yes in its pores are money, safety and dignity.

I do envy that right now, when a war is happening in the country next to Krakow and the city is full of refugiees.

In Züri, we had amazing sunshine, really good drinks, nice people and cozy places. Worth to visit and I am again thankfull the work take me here and that we can travel a bit again.

Something that different I needed so much.
And maybe in a weird way it is calming me down.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Still Whitney!


Kygo & Whitney Houston - Higher Love


 Anki's Mom a.k. "Jadzia" is in Kraków - just like Anki. And that's something what I definatelly was not forseen neither wanted - at least this way.

The truth is that we know that this call will be done. Just hopped that, maybe - never.

From the sidenotes on a crisis till other escalations somehow it always played out in that old central-european way of "let's see what happens, keep calm and go for a coffiee". And the trams were still running in Lwów.

And now the same trams take Jadzia to the bus, the last day without curfew, to leave her home and take for a tremendous ride lasting 20 hours to be in Poland, a.k.a. safe heaven.

She is fine, and I am calming down.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Sidenotes of coming back

 We use to leave places, cities, countries, people, smells and tastes - but till now there was always a way to go back. 

This is what shatterd, together with the felling of security. Even though we do live in permanent "special mode" for almost 2 years.

The Trams in Lwów still are running - and I have this most sensitive way of seeing public transportation working - however sometimes stops for extraordinary stops because of some air-raid sirens...


Today my heart broke.