Sunday, June 25, 2017

The nap

Napping I dont do.... never were really comfortable to sleep at daylight, so it is happening rearly to me.
I`ve known that I need the sleep, after Malaysia and Kyiv and after the begining-of-june travels and translations. But - I would never say that the need is this high.

Went for a nap at 16:45 sathurday and got up finally at 9ish on sunday - meaning 16 hours of "napping".

And I did not say that I am fresh and fit - altrough that is a good sign before the company summer party and my 3-week working holiday in Budapest.

Monday, June 19, 2017


Varos Wielkopolskie vajdasagban. Hires a mar nem letezo zongoragyarrol, fuggonygyarrol az I. Vh.-s bombazasrol.
Meg arrol hogy innen jott anno a fordito.

Sose voltam, sose leszek.
Kiveve hogy erre kerul a Poznan Krakow IC.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lato je

jakbyscie mieli watpliwosci:

Ja+Disco Polo = Forever

Friday, June 09, 2017

The series

So, there was that lil` thing back in the crazy 00`s:

Will and Grace

The series - and beside all the good things of them, also a huge and culturally significat image of the gays. So much that we do remember the lines and not just me but generations after me (oh, yes, there are people born even in the 00`s....).

And they are back... - after all the apocaliptic, sci-fi mindblowers - real people and real fun:

"that was so gay..."

Thursday, June 08, 2017


Erről a filmről volt már szó, de mindig visszatérek hozzá....

O tym filmie mowa juz była - ale zawsze wracam do niej....

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Stat - Majus/Maj

Az infláció:

PL: 1,9 %
HU: 2,1 %

A munkanélküliségi ráta:

PL: 7,7 %
HU: 4,6 %

Az átlagkeresetek: (Marzec/Március)

PL:4489 zł (~323 210 ft.)
HU: 281 900 ft. (~3915 zł)

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Not that boy

Not the boy next door anymore....

Coming home used to feel so good
I'm a stranger now in my neighborhood
I've seen the world at a faster place
And I'm coming now from a different place
Though I may look the same way to you
Underneath there is somebody new
I am not the boy next door
I don't belong like I did before
Nothing ever seems like it used to be
You can have your dreams but you can't have me
Oh, I can't come back there anymore
'Cause I am not the boy next door

You've been saving those souvenirs
Faded photographs from our foolish years
We made plans but they're wearing thin
And they don't work out 'cause I don't fit it
And those memories'll just weigh you down
'Cause I got no place to keep 'em uptown

I am not the boy next door
I don't belong like I did before
Nothing ever seems like it used to be
You can have your dreams but you can't have me
Oh, I can't go back there anymore
'Cause I am not the boy next door

And I'm sorry for just bein' me
But if you'd look past the past you could see That

I am not the boy next door
I don't belong like I did before
Nothin' ever seems like it used to be
You can have your dreams, but you can't have me

I can't go back there anymore
'Cause I am not the boy next door